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Company information

Windpark LLC is a wind power company established in 2013 for the development and construction of wind parks in the territory of the Leningrad Region and other regions of the Russian Federation.

According to the founders of the company, wind power is only beginning to develop in our country and this business has great prospects. The current market situation gives the company many opportunities for development and it has stepped up its activities.

Thanks to the shareholders, the company has the best in Russia team of experts in wind power engineering and design and construction of industrial and energy facilities.

capacity of the 1st project

The company’s portfolio of projects is constantly increasing and more and more partners are being attracted to work together in them.


A tender for designing a wind farm was announced

The tender was announced in the form of an open request for quotations without prequalification of bidders for the right to enter into an Agreement for the development of a project for the title “Construction of a wind power plant with an installed capacity of 68.4 MW.”

Kommersant: billions to the wind

As it became known to Kommersant, the owner of Onego Shiping Alexander Roslyakov and the chairman of the Russian Association of the Wind Industry, Igor Bryzgunov, plan to launch a wind farm in the Volkhov District of the Leningrad Region in 2022-2023.

Wind park № 1 in the Leningrad region will be the object of investment of the new fund

“Association of the Wind Industry” (RAWI) and the Russian Investment Agency “Invest in Russia” signed an agreement on the creation of the “Wind Energy Fund” with a target amount of funds of 100 billion rubles. The main goal is to invest in the creation of wind power.

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ООО «Ветропарк»

Адрес: 199397, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Кораблестроителей, 32, к.1 офис 50Н

Телефон: +7 495 308-33-63

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